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current website https://spectrashelter.hotglue.me/
++spectra shelter++

still wandering around in graz - suitcases are in ESC not even opened, 
we thought of going to krâftner today but the programme changed, 
unzipped, zipped under the table

setting up a virtual/digital space
- for documentation
- for collaborative writing / ( not enough ram on the machine)
- for reaching out 
will not work: as port 25 is closed - so no email posible ???

Arrived in Kraftner, unpacking the suitcases
Installed a prelimnary setup , listening to the mix of  https://lyl.live/episode/no-man-is-an-island-16
where we contributed with a steganographic audio file and an SSTv file which were transmitted on the [radiophone]

We went by queercore event in the info laden, Swarze rauben
(distributed on radar.squat.net)
zines technology:
2020 Last Mich sterben - pands technologie und das ende der welt
Title:             Let. Me. Die- Pandas, Technology and the End of the World
2016Smarter Gefängnis 
Title:            Smarter Prison? — Call for War on the Technology Multinationals    
Titel:            Google total    
Titel:            Funkstille
Titel:            Google Campus Kaputt    


Re-packing the suitcase from kräftner (there is an unannounced birthday party). We are asked to not stay there. Going to ESC with our suitcases and see if we can unpacked there .... Experimanting with jiawen on the crystal radio ..... we had also a microfm radio and a rtl-sdr in our suitcase .....
in the spectra shelter in esc, xm showed me how to use the SDR to go through the frequencies with different de-modelling methods, also with different antenne positions, we were trying to look through the spectrum of the radio frequencies and reseaching what certain unrecognizable channels could be. Later, Al provided a transmitter, we tried to transmit a long Limbo from Jassie Lanza, and listen to it via radio. it took us around 40 minutes to be able to hear it for about 5 seconds, but it's still super fun yayayayayayayayayayayayayay. i also leared that i might be able to use salted water (for example, the sea itself) as a nice ground, also there's a possibility to build a listening device via mullberry and kombucha, maybe ;))))))

we installed a table in ESC. This furniture seems to give us at least a collective worktable, Do we build the shelter under it, or do we use it as a