feeding back

keeping a balance between picture and text
normally an image will be next to a text that gives the context, there is no point in blowing up the role of the image with full details.. rather catch what it is important for that picture in that place..
function for image being there.
still, the reader can skip between elements, so they can choose if they want to hear the whole description of peter's conference setup sitting next to him?

consider, if you have never seen in your life, what is relevant, assumption that can be had.


categorization, representation, interpretation of pictures presents a multiplicity of questions..

not wanting to describe someone in a way that gendering is assumed and enforced.
you can say 'for my point of view she presents as white'

at the same time, in the picture of children training, it can be relevant to describe that it is 'white young boys', for the historical normative socialization of training and sport, the separation of genders in schools, etc.