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Worksession Drempel Drempel Drempel
Tuesday 12 - 03 - 2024 - Day 1

Exercise done around guidelines 

We read through the three guidelines with an access perspective 

# Constant guidelines (Peter and Kristine)
K: confusion about being in different organisation, a museum and constant have different perspectives & goals; constant working with 'specialist' while museum works with large public that is very diverse
guidelines very specific, very good, says a lot, it's more about respect & inclusion, caring 
important that you never know what is the difficulty with someone, it's very personal, someone can have a problem that is not in the guidelines, that we don't know about
communication is key in both directions

P: flagging incidents and dealing with problems, it's something we saw as quite functional for when something goes wrong, K. said you don't realise what is a disability when you don't have one so it's important to give space to get to know what people need, what problems they will have 

K: The commitment and the guidelines are sometimes overlapping, saying similar things 

P: from a perspective of having impaired vision, the short version could easily be made accessible, more than the long one
S: only accessible through written language for now... 

P: the "leaving space" mention also has something to do with accessibility, ; the mention about words having different impact is also paying attention to the complexity of language
We don't talk about buidling, we talk about the way we want to collaborate but we don't mention the physical space; so it's assumed that the document should go together with another that details spaces 

# Museum Dr. Guislain guidelines
W: the guidelines are in the people, there's no 'actual' written guidelines (there's a commitment) the matter that is being shown is sensitive, everyone working there is aware of these sensitivities (all of the people working in the museum) the team there is not big, team meetings every week
the guidelines are more mission oriented , + the widget about accessibility (practical info) on the website: a visitor's behaviour guide is present also in the museum
trigger warnings, the museum changed a lot in the past year, it used to have a history of psychiatry that would show items ressembling of torture instruments, most of that has been removed now , but people used to faint regularly at the exhibition.
dr guislain is part of a collaborative group of museums that exhibit shocking content matter. sharing the difficulties, how they are approached. 

D: there should maybe be more trigger warning s , to give people the possibility to make an informed choice about what they're about to see in the exhibition 
a lot of trust in people dealing with problematic situations, but no system for flagging or signal problematic behavior.

S: there is a list of commitments of the institution..,. the commitment to psychological wellbeing is a big one

W: there is mode of processing if/how the exhibitions can be triggering, by doing test tours that have an attention to that.  

K: For instance a guided tour was made for people with mental impairement and the tour was tested with groups of people with mental impairment. they do a lot of tests to check the texts and tools they use in the museum

W: In Constant we responded to a moment that showed the lack of means to deal with discomfort, conflict situations by instituting a system to facilitate the signaling of conflicts or uncomfortable situations, setting up responsible persons for the activities and an email adress.

K: once a week we talk about things like bugs, problems within the institution, things are classified per priority. One example, next week there's an exhibition and we realised that the space was too dark, this was put into priority and the next day someone was buying 20 lamps. 

# KaaiTheater Guidelines

E: The guidelines tries to point to the fact that it touches on many people. not just employed but also artists freelancer technicians, public.. The theater is rented also by productions.. Complex setup.
The Theme of Kaai Theater is "How to be many", but the institution is so la y ered that makes it very difficult to have a document that relates to everything happening.
The guidelines does a lot of work of describing what they dont want and describe ways to deal with things when the unwanted things happen. A tool to be used for that.

There is little about what they want. So talking about access not a lot of be found there. Little mention on how they plan to act.

there is attention to clearly define what is understood with behavior, s.a. aggression, that is needed in case of transgression, they know what to do

M: question of boundaries; they will be different from one place to another; from one public theater to an institution that works specifically with potentially violent publics 
3 paths for each document
1. dealing with unwanted behaviour 
2. what is the desired space you want to create
3. access is what it can reference; enabling access is part of the desire for the space
[the three are entangled but can relate to each other differently depending on the specific institutional settings]
P:  if you (dr guislain) talk about accessibility in your space, people with non-normative behaviour , you want them to take part and see how to make that this can happen; while our guidelines sort of imply a basis of normative behaviour 

it seems like it's one type of guidelines (dealing with unapprorpiate behaviour) we're curious if there's more guidelines on how to be many for instance; about the ways that things are done (the 20% budget for instance), doing things under the radar, ways that are not formalise; clear that there's a desire within the institution to make spaces for many but this practice is not visible in the guidelines here 

Charter / another type of guidelines.. you see different and continuous efforts towards being many but in different places 

K: maybe for the public, one document would be better